The focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) in hypotensive injured patients frequently fails to identify the need for laparotomy: a multi-institutional p...
Rowell SE, Barbosa RR, Holcomb JB, Fox EE, Barton CA, Schreiber MA.
1/2019Evaluation and management of abdominal stab wounds: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm.
Martin MJ, Brown CVR, Shatz DV, Alam HB, Brasel. KJ, Hauser CJ, de Moya M, Moorer EE,, Rowell SE, Verycruysee GA, Baron BJ, Inaba K.
11/2018The procoagulant molecule PAI-1 is associated with injury severity and shock in patients with and without traumatic brain injury.
Condron M, Rowell S, Dewey E, Anderson T, Lealiiee L, Farrell D, Hinson H.
11/2018Management of Renal Trauma.
Brown CVR, Alam HB, Brasel K, Hauser CJ, de Moya M, Martin M, Moore EE, Rowell S,, Vercruysse. G, Inaba K.
11/2018Evaluation and Management of Abdominal Stab Wounds: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm.
Martin MJ, Brown CVR, Shatz DV, ALam HB, Brasel KJ, Hauser CJ, de Moya M, Moore EE,, Rowell SE, Vercruysse GA, Baron BJ, Inaba K.
11/2018Management of Colorectal Injuries: A Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions Algorithm.
Biffl WL, Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Albrecht RM, Croce MA, Karmy-Jones R, Namias N, Rowell, SE, Schreiber MA, Shatz DV, Brasel KJ.
11/2018Occupational exposure during emergency department thoracotomy: A prospective, multi-institution study.
Nunn A, Prakash P, Inaba K, Escalante A, Maherrr Z, Yamaguchi S, Kim. DY, Maciel. J, Chiu WC,, Drumheller B, Hazelton JP, Mukheriee K, Luo-Owen X, Nygaard RM, Marek A...
7/2018Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Diagnosis and Management of Duodenal Injuries.
Malhotra A, Biffl WL, Moore EE, Schreiber M, Albrecht RA, Cohen M, Karmy-Jones R, Namias N,, Rowell S, Shatz DV, Brasel KJ.
12/2015Western Trauma Association Critical Decisions in Trauma: Diagnosis and Management of Esophageal Injuries.
Biffl WL, Moore EE, Feliciano DV, Albrecht RA, Croce M, Karmy-Jones R, Namias N, Rowell S,, Schreiber M, Shatz DV, Brasel K.
12/2015P. An evidence-based approach to patient selection for emergency department thoracotomy: A practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery ...
Seamon MJ, Haut ER, Van Arendonk K, Barbosa RR, Chiu WC, Dente CJ, Fox N, Jawa RS,, Khwaja K, Lee JK, Magnotti LJ, Mayglothling JA, McDonald AA, Rowell S, To KB, Falc...
7/2015Traumatic diaphragmatic injury in the American College of Surgeons National Trauma Data Bank: A new examination of a rare diagnosis.
Fair KA, Gordon NT, Barbosa RR, Rowell SE, Watters JM, Schreiber MA.
5/2015Moderate elevations in INR should not lead to delays in neurosurgical intervention in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
Rowell SE, Barbosa RR, Lennox TC, Rao AJ, Underwood SJ, Schreiber MA.
12/2014Acupuncture-related pneumothorax.
Hampton DA, Kaneko RT, Simeon E, Moren A, Rowell S
8/1/2014Clinical Evidence of Inflammation Driving Secondary Brain Injury: A Systematic Review.
Hinson H, Rowell S, Schreiber M.
1/2014Increased time to operation is associated with decreased survival in patients with a positive FAST examination requiring emergent laparotomy.
Barbosa RR, Rowell SE, Fox EE, Holcomb JB, Bulger EM, Phelan HA, Alarcon LH, Myers JG,, Brasel KJ, Muskat P, del Junco DJ, Cotton BA, Wade CE, Rahbar MH, Cohen MJ, Sc...
7/2013Vascular air embolism.
Gordy S, Rowell S.
1/2013Who should we feed? A Western Trauma Association multi-institutional study of enteral nutrition in the open abdomen after injury.
Burlew CC, Moore EE, Cuschieri J, Jurkovich GJ, Codner P, Nirula R, Millar D, Cohen MJ, Kutcher ME, Haan J, MacNew HG, Ochssner G, Rowell SE, Truitt MS, Moore FO, Pier...
12/2012Evaluation and management of mild traumatic brain injury: an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline.
Barbosa RR, Jawa R, Watters JM, Knight JC, Kerwin AJ, Winston ES, Barraco RD, Tucker B,, Bardes JM, Rowell SE.
11/2012Evaluation and management of small-bowel obstruction: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline.
Maung AA, Johnson DC, Piper GL, Barbosa RR, Rowell SE, Bokhari F, Collins JN, Gordon JR, Ra, JH, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
11/2012Is low molecular weight heparin safe for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in patients with traumatic brain injury?
Kwiatt ME, Patel MS, Ross SE, Lachant MT, MacNew HG, Ochsner MG, Norwood SH, Speier L, Kozar R, Gerber JA, Rowell S, Krishnakumar S, Livingston DH, Manis G, Haan JM.
9/2012Validating the Western Trauma Association Algorithm for Managing Patients with Anterior Abdominal Stab Wounds: A Western Trauma Association Multicenter Trial.
Biffl WL, Kaups KL, Pham TN, Rowell SE, Jurkovich GJ, Cothren-Burlew C, Elterman J, Moore EE.
12/2011Specific AIS values are responsible for the underestimation of mortality in penetrating trauma patients by the Injury Severity Score.
Rowell SE, Barbosa RR, Diggs BS, Schreiber MA.
8/2011Gender based differences in mortality in response to high product ratio massive transfusion.
Rowell SE, Barbosa RR, Allison CE, Van PY, Schreiber MA.
8/2011Effect of high product ratio massive transfusion on mortality in blunt and penetrating trauma patients.
Rowell SE, Barbosa RR, Diggs BS, Schreiber MA.
8/2011Profoundly abnormal initial physiologic and biochemical data cannot be used to determine futility in massively transfused trauma patients.
Barbosa RR, Rowell SE, Diggs BS, Schreiber MA.
8/2011- Join now to see all