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Sun Hi Lee, MD, Cardiology, New York, NY

Sun HiLeeMD

Cardiology New York, NY

Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Heart Failure & Transplantation


Overview of Dr. Lee

Dr. Sun Hi Lee is a cardiologist in New York, NY and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including New York-Presbyterian Hospital, NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, NYU Langone Hospitals, and White Plains Hospital Center. She received her medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and has been in practice 27 years. Dr. Lee accepts several types of health insurance, listed below. She is one of 521 doctors at NYU Langone Hospitals and one of 83 doctors at White Plains Hospital Center who specialize in Cardiology. She has more than 10 publications and over 200 citings.

Education & Training

  • New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia Campus)
    New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia Campus)Fellowship, Cardiovascular Disease, 1994 - 1997
  • New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia Campus)
    New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia Campus)Residency, Internal Medicine, 1990 - 1993
  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    Albert Einstein College of MedicineClass of 1990

Certifications & Licensure

  • NY State Medical License
    NY State Medical License 1992 - 2026

Awards, Honors, & Recognition

  • Fellow (FACC) American College of Cardiology

Publications & Presentations


Professional Memberships

Insurance Accepted

  • Aetna Choice POS II
    Aetna HMO
    BCBS Blue Card PPO
    BCBS California CaliforniaCare HMO
    BCBS California PowerSelect HMO
    BCBS California PPO
    Blue Shield CA Local Access Plus HMO
    Blue Shield California HMO
    Blue Shield California PPO
    CIGNA Open Access
    Empire BCBS HMO
    Empire BCBS PPO
    First Health PPO
    Great West PPO
    Health Net California Large Group PPO
    HIP of New York - Select PPO
    MagnaCare PPO
    Multiplan PHCS PPO
    Multiplan PHCS PPO - Kaiser
    Multiplan PPO
    MVP Healthcare PPO
    Oxford Health Freedom
    Oxford Health Liberty
    Pacificare HMO
    United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS
    United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO
  • Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment