Overview of Dr. Crino
Dr. Peter Crino is a neurologist in Baltimore, MD and is affiliated with University of Maryland Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Yale School of Medicine and has been in practice 27 years. Dr. Crino accepts several types of health insurance, listed below. He is one of 169 doctors at University of Maryland Medical Center who specialize in Neurology. He has more than 100 publications and over 500 citings.
110 South Paca St
Department of Neurology, University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD 21201
Education & Training
- Penn MedicinePost-Doctoral Fellowship, 1994 - 1997
- University of Pennsylvania Health SystemResidency, Neurology, 1991 - 1994
- Yale-New Haven Medical CenterInternship, Internal Medicine, 1990 - 1991
- Boston UniversityPh.D., Neuroscience, 1984 - 1990
- Yale School of MedicineClass of 1990
Certifications & Licensure
- MD State Medical License 2016 - 2026
- PA State Medical License 1991 - 2016
- American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Neurology
Awards, Honors, & Recognition
- CMS Meaningful Use Stage 1 Certification EpicCare Ambulatory EMR, Epic Systems Corporation, 2012
- Super Doctor SuperDoctors.com
Publications & Presentations
- SLC35A2 loss of function variants affect glycomic signatures, neuronal fate, and network dynamics.Dulcie Lai, Paulina Sosicka, Damian J Williams, MaryAnn E Bowyer, Andrew K Ressler
Biorxiv. 2024-12-27 - 1 citationsMouse models of Slc35a2 brain mosaicism reveal mechanisms of mild malformations of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia in epilepsy.Hyojung Yoon, Amanda Ringland, James J Anderson, Sahibjot Sran, Soad Elziny
Epilepsia. 2024-12-01 - 1 citationsLoss of Slc35a2 alters development of the mouse cerebral cortex.Soad Elziny, Sahibjot Sran, Hyojung Yoon, Rachel R Corrigan, John Page
Neuroscience Letters. 2024-07-27
Press Mentions
- Three Genetic Mutations Seen in Individuals with KCNMA1-Linked Channelopathy Successfully Mirrored in MiceAugust 15th, 2022
- Synaptic Overgrowth, Hyperconnectivity May Define Autism SubtypeNovember 18th, 2021
- NREF Announces Recipients of 2021-22 Research Fellowship Grants and Young Clinician Investigator AwardsJune 22nd, 2021
- Join now to see all
Grant Support
- Discovery of Novel Molecular Abnormalities Underlying Non-Lesional Focal EpilepsyNINDS2014–2018
- “Detection of Human Papilloma Virus in Cortical Dysplasia”NINDS2014–2018
- Structural Consequences Of TSC Gene Mutations In BrainNational Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke2008–2012
- Molecular Pathogenesis Of Focal Cortical DysplasiasNational Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke2006–2010
- Gene Expression Analysis In Tuberous SclerosisNational Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke2003–2006
- Cellular Proliferation And EpileptogenesisNational Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke2002–2004
- Developmental Pathogenesis Of Human Cortical DysplasiaNational Institute Of Mental Health1999–2003
- Gene Expression And Clonality In Dysplastic Cortical NEUNational Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke2000–2002
Professional Memberships
- Fellow
- Member
- American Neurological AssociationMember
Industry Relationships
- Scientific Advisory Board, Evogen, Inc.2015 - Present
Insurance Accepted
- Aetna Choice POS II
Aetna HMO
AmeriHealth Direct POS
Amerihealth HMO
AmeriHealth PPO
BCBS Blue Card PPO
CIGNA Open Access
First Health PPO
Great West PPO
HealthAmerica HealthAssurance PPO
Horizon BCBS Direct AccessHorizon BCBS HMO
Horizon BCBS POS
Horizon BCBS PPO
Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO
IBC Keystone HMO / POS
IBC Personal Choice PPO
Multiplan PPO
Oxford Health Freedom
Oxford Health Liberty
QualCare HMO
QualCare PPO
United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS
United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO - Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment
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