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Natalie Walker, Nurse Practitioner, Marquette, MI

NataliePianettoWalkerDNP, FNP-BC

Nurse Practitioner Marquette, MI


Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine

Overview of Natalie Pianetto Walker

Dr. Natalie Walker is a nurse practitioner in Marquette, MI and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including UP Health System - Marquette and UP Health System Marquette. She is one of 47 doctors at UP Health System Marquette and one of 30 doctors at UP Health System - Marquette who specialize in Nurse Practitioner.

Education & Training

  • Northern Michigan University
    Northern Michigan UniversityDoctorate, 2018
  • University of Iowa
    University of Iowa Masters, 2006 - 2009
  • University of Iowa
    University of IowaBachelor of Science in Nursing, Honors & Highest Distinction, 2001 - 2005