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Michael Eufemio Jr., MD, Urology, East Stroudsburg, PA


Urology East Stroudsburg, PA


Overview of Dr. Eufemio

Dr. Michael Eufemio is an urologist in East Stroudsburg, PA and is affiliated with Lehigh Valley Hospital - Pocono. He received his medical degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine and has been in practice 26 years. He is one of 4 doctors at Lehigh Valley Hospital - Pocono who specialize in Urology. He has 2 publications and over 150 citings.

Education & Training

  • Penn State Milton S Hershey Medical Center
    Penn State Milton S Hershey Medical CenterResidency, Urology, 1991 - 1997
  • Georgetown University School of Medicine
    Georgetown University School of MedicineClass of 1991

Certifications & Licensure

  • PA State Medical License
    PA State Medical License 1993 - 2026
  • Urology
    American Board of Urology Urology

Awards, Honors, & Recognition

  • Fellow (FACS) American College of Surgeons

Publications & Presentations


Professional Memberships