Overview of Dr. Ginsburg
Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg is a pediatrician in Philadelphia, PA and is affiliated with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He received his medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and has been in practice 32 years. Dr. Ginsburg accepts several types of health insurance, listed below. He is one of 1348 doctors at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia who specialize in Pediatrics. He has more than 50 publications and over 500 citings.
3550 Market St Fl 4
Chop Care Network At Market St - Adolescent Med
Philadelphia, PA 19104Fax+1 215-590-4619
Education & Training
- Albert Einstein College of MedicineClass of 1987, MD
Certifications & Licensure
- PA State Medical License 1988 - 2026
- American Board of Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine
Awards, Honors, & Recognition
- Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition Program National Committee for Quality Assurance, 2014-2017
- Super Doctor SuperDoctors.com
- Fellow (FAAP) American Academy of Pediatrics
Publications & Presentations
- Talking to Families of Color About Police Encounters.Roy Wade Jr, Kenneth R Ginsburg
JAMA Pediatrics. 2025-03-01 - Productive Messaging to Promote Youth Mental Well-Being and Positive Development in Clinical and Advocacy Settings.Merrian J Brooks, Nat Kendall-Taylor, Kenneth R Ginsburg
Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2024-08-01 - 1 citationsReframing Adolescent Development: Identifying Communications Challenges and OpportunitiesDaniel S. Busso, Andrew C. Pool, Nathaniel Kendall-Taylor, Kenneth R. Ginsburg
Journal of Research on Adolescence. 2021-11-08
Press Mentions
- Fauci Discusses Vaccine Equity, Mental Health at Virtual Penn Medicine EventJune 21st, 2021
- Don’t Feed the Rat: How to Spot and Stop BullyingJune 17th, 2021
- As Youth Suicides Climb, Anguished Parents Begin to Speak OutMarch 10th, 2020
- Join now to see all
Professional Memberships
- Fellow
Insurance Accepted
- Aetna Choice POS II
Aetna HMO
AmeriHealth Direct POS
AmeriHealth Direct POS Value Network
Amerihealth HMO
AmeriHealth HMO Value Network
AmeriHealth PPO
AmeriHealth PPO Value Network
BCBS Blue Card PPO
BCBS California PowerSelect HMO
BCBS California PPO
CIGNA Open Access
Coventry Carelink Health Plans PPO
First Health PPOGreat West PPO
HealthAmerica HealthAssurance PPO
Horizon BCBS Direct Access
Horizon BCBS HMO
Horizon BCBS POS
Horizon BCBS PPO
Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO
IBC Keystone HMO / POS
IBC Personal Choice PPO
Multiplan PPO
Oxford Health Freedom
Oxford Health Liberty
QualCare HMO
QualCare PPO
United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS
United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO - Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment