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John Koval, PA, Cardiology, Cortlandt Manor, NY


Cardiology Cortlandt Manor, NY

Dr. John Koval is a cardiology physician assistant in Cortlandt Manor, NY and is affiliated with New York-Presbyterian/Hudson Valley Hospital. He is one of 3 doctors at New York-Presbyterian/Hudson Valley Hospital who specialize in Cardiology.

Overview of John F Koval, PA

Dr. John Koval is a cardiology physician assistant in Cortlandt Manor, NY and is affiliated with New York-Presbyterian/Hudson Valley Hospital. He is one of 3 doctors at New York-Presbyterian/Hudson Valley Hospital who specialize in Cardiology.

Certifications & Licensure

  • Certified Physician Assistant
    National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) Certified Physician Assistant

Education & Training

  • Albany Medical College
    Albany Medical CollegePhysician Assistant, 2003

Professional Memberships