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Aralis Santiago-Plaud, MD, Pediatrics, Richardson, TX


Pediatrics Richardson, TX

Own private practices (Richardson and Garland TX)

Overview of Dr. Santiago-Plaud

Dr. Aralis Santiago-Plaud is a pediatrician in Richardson, TX and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Children's Medical Center Dallas and Medical City Dallas. She received her medical degree from University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and has been in practice 20 years. Dr. Santiago-Plaud accepts several types of health insurance, listed below. She is one of 119 doctors at Medical City Dallas and one of 614 doctors at Children's Medical Center Dallas who specialize in Pediatrics.

Education & Training

  • Stanford Health Care-Sponsored Stanford University
    Stanford Health Care-Sponsored Stanford UniversityResidency, Pediatrics, 1998 - 2000
  • University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine
    University of Puerto Rico School of MedicineInternship, Transitional Year, 1997 - 1998
  • University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine
    University of Puerto Rico School of MedicineClass of 1997

Certifications & Licensure

  • CA State Medical License
    CA State Medical License 1999 - Present
  • TX State Medical License
    TX State Medical License 2002 - 2026
  • Pediatrics
    American Board of Pediatrics Pediatrics

Insurance Accepted

  • Aetna Choice POS II
    Aetna HMO
    BCBS Blue Card PPO
    BCBS Texas BlueChoice
    CIGNA Open Access
    First Health PPO
    Great West PPO
    Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO
    Multiplan PPO
    United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS
    United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO
  • Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment