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Antoinette Berkeley-Gsegnet, MD, Urology, Cortlandt Manor, NY


Urology Cortlandt Manor, NY


Overview of Dr. Berkeley-Gsegnet

Dr. Antoinette Berkeley-Gsegnet is an urologist in Cortlandt Manor, NY and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including New York-Presbyterian/Hudson Valley Hospital and NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center. She received her medical degree from New York Medical College and has been in practice 24 years. Dr. Berkeley-Gsegnet accepts several types of health insurance, listed below. She is one of 10 doctors at New York-Presbyterian/Hudson Valley Hospital and one of 65 doctors at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center who specialize in Urology.

Education & Training

  • Westchester Medical Center
    Westchester Medical CenterResidency, Urology, 1995 - 1999
  • New York Medical College at Montefiore Medical Center North Division
    New York Medical College at Montefiore Medical Center North DivisionResidency, Surgery, 1993 - 1995
  • New York Medical College
    New York Medical CollegeClass of 1993

Certifications & Licensure

  • NY State Medical License
    NY State Medical License 1999 - 2026
  • Urology
    American Board of Urology Urology

Insurance Accepted

  • Aetna Choice POS II
    Aetna HMO
    BCBS Blue Card PPO
    CIGNA Open Access
    Empire BCBS HMO
    Empire BCBS PPO
    First Health PPO
    Great West PPO
    HIP of New York - Select PPO
    Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO
    MagnaCare PPO
    Multiplan PHCS PPO
    Multiplan PPO
    MVP Healthcare HMO
    MVP Healthcare PPO
    Oxford Health Freedom
    Oxford Health Liberty
    United Healthcare - Direct Choice Plus POS
    United Healthcare - Direct Options PPO
  • Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment