University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Assistant, Associate, Full Professor of Neuroscience

Madison, WI

Inpatient and outpatient

Job Summary:

We are pleased to invite applications for a tenure track position in the Waisman Center and the Department of Neuroscience at the School of Medicine and Public Health of the University of Wisconsin. We seek outstanding candidates to establish an independent research program in the area of brain development, neurodevelopmental disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. The Department of Neuroscience ([][1]) is the home to 26 tenure-track and 12 affiliate faculty, with research expertise in cellular, molecular, and systems neuroscience, performing basic research extending from gene expression to system functions. Research focus areas including ion channels, signal transduction, chromatin biology, synaptic transmission and plasticity, neural development and circuit formation, degeneration and regeneration, sensory and motor processing, circuit functions, perception and sensorimotor integration, neural computation and theory, and human evolution. The department's foundation in basic sciences informs translational research addressing grand challenges in neurodevelopmental disorders and aging, diseases of excitability including epilepsy and cardiac arrhythmia, and cognitive and sensorimotor dysfunction.

The Waisman Center ([][2]) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is an interdisciplinary research center internationally recognized for its pioneering contributions to the understanding of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs). The center supports interdisciplinary research of 63 faculty from 24 academic departments across 8 schools/colleges spanning biochemical, molecular, cell biological, animal model, human and animal brain imaging, and human cognitive and behavioral analyses. It also hosts an array of clinics specialized in various IDDs with > 3,000 unique patients per year. The Waisman Center is home to an Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC), a University Center for Excellence in Development Disabilities (UCEDD), and a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Related Disorders (LEND) programs, all federally-designated.

UW-Madison is a world class academic institution with an international reputation for basic, applied, and interdisciplinary research. UW-Madison regularly ranks in the top 10 among U.S. public universities, and surpasses $1 billion in annual research expenditures. Madison provides a vibrant, culturally rich environment highly ranked in national surveys for quality of life.


Candidates must have proven success in leading and conducting research and teaching appropriate to their stage of career. All Associate/Full Professor candidates must possess experience and scholarly credentials for appointment with tenure at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison). National recognition in neural circuit, gene therapy, and/or stem cell biology preferred. A key consideration is the ability to and interest in working in a collaborative interdisciplinary environment.


Terminal Degree
M.D., Ph.D., or M.D./Ph.D required. Preferred focus in Neuroscience, Physiology, Genetics or related field.

[1]: [2]:

About University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Recognized as an international leader in education, research and service, the School of Medicine and Public Health continues to evolve to meet changing health care needs.From creating academic programs targeting health professional shortage areas to becoming the nation's first school to integrate medicine and public health, the University of Wisconsin consistently strives to be on the forefront of health care innovation through service, science, scholarship and social responsibility. See why we're consistently recognized as an international leader in education, research and service.

Posted March 9, 2025