
Remote - 1099 Opportunity with Flexible Schedule | Psychiatry Peer Review

United States

Non clinical

Job Highlights

  • Fast Credentialing
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Any State License Accepted
  • Interested in additional income in a nonclinical setting?

    ExamWorks has 1099 independent contractor opportunities available for a psychiatrist to join the reviewer network. Joining the ExamWorks network of independent contractors is an easy and flexible way to supplement your income.

    What is Peer Review?

    Peer reviews are written evaluations prepared by physicians that provide an informed expert opinion about the appropriateness of care, medical necessity and related issues. Case review types include worker’s compensation, disability, and health plan prior authorizations and appeals.

    The physician reviews the patient’s medical records and makes recommendations on care whether this be prospective, concurrent or retrospective treatment. There is no patient contact, although it is common for the reviewing physician to contact the treating provider for a peer-to-peer telephone discussion regarding the patient’s care. All work is completed on our secure, proprietary online portal.

    This opportunity will allow you to supplement your income without any additional overhead. Additional benefits include:

    • Receiving payment via direct deposit

    • Working remotely and at your convenience (between patients, in the evening, weekends, etc.)

    • A paperless workflow requiring no medical record filing/storage on your part

    • Secure, easy-to-use online portal to work on cases

    • Accepting as many or as few cases as your schedule will allow

    • Great way to keep up on advances in your specialty

    • Broaden your clinical knowledge as you gain understanding of new trends and practice patterns around the country in a non-clinical setting

    • Compensation is determined on a case by case basis.


    • Board Certified in Psychiatry
    • Current active practice of at least 8 hours per week
    • Active medical license without restrictions (NV, MS or MN preferred)
    • At least 5 years of clinical experience
    • Preferred but not required: Access to ODG guidelines

    About ExamWorks

    ExamWorks is a leading provider of independent review services for clients such as insurance carriers, third-party claim administrators, and government agencies. Our peer review division utilizes a robust panel of credentialed physicians and allied medical professionals to provide timely, high quality reports.

    About ExamWorks

    ExamWorks is a leading provider of independent review services for clients such as insurance carriers, third-party claim administrators, and government agencies. Our peer review division utilizes a robust panel of credentialed physicians and allied medical professionals to provide timely, high quality reports.

    Join us and be a part of the largest credentialed expert medical panel in the industry. Physicians of all specialties are represented and have access to the largest pool of referrals.

    We give you the support to do what you do best – provide your expert opinion based on the evidence presented in the case. Our team handles case preparation, medical record processing, quality assurance and report delivery so you can focus on making your recommendation. Our online portal allows you to easily and securely view your cases and contains user-friendly, time efficient features that help you work smarter.

    Compensation Details


    Posted February 17, 2025