Weekend Pager Call near Minneapolis - $1,800/24 hour call and $275/hour call back

Near Minneapolis, MN

locum tenens

Job Highlights

  • Routine Procedures
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Less than 1 Hour from an International Airport
    1. Location: 30 minutes north of Minneapolis, MN
    2. Schedule: 1-2 weekends/month of pager call, Friday 7a-Monday 7a
    3. Contract length: as soon as credentialed and for 6 months with option to extend
    4. EMR system: Epic
    5. Coverage Dates Needed: When credentialed.
    6. Type of patients / cases / procedures required: admissions, deliveries, urgent/emergent surgeries, L&D
    7. Patient Encounters per shift: 1 – 2 admissions, average of 0-2 deliveries/day
    8. Available support staff: Hospital RN staff, 24/7 ANES, respiratory therapists, MFMs in Minneapolis in network, surgical support available, etc
    9. 30-60 day credentialing timeframe
    10. Full travel, lodging, and Malpractice insurance provided

    About DRW

    DRW is a premier search firm for the health care industry that specializes in temporary or “Locum Tenens” staffing and permanent placement of physicians and other healthcare professionals. We offer clients and candidates services that promote excellence in healthcare by redefining the recruitment process. At DRW we are dedicated to using multiple resources and methods to promote our candidates and locate the ideal opportunity that each healthcare provider may be looking for. Our criteria based matching system is designed to create a perfect fit and allows us to retain both clients and physicians while building long term relationships.

    Compensation Details


    Based on the fulfillment of 2 weekends/month, and average of 8 hours of call back per weekend

    Posted December 2, 2024